Enkele dagen geleden kreeg ik dit bericht van een Oostenrijkse Boeddhistische non die reeds jaren in Thailand verblijft. Misschien kunnen jullie haar oproep beantwoorden met enige generositeit.
Some days ago I recieved the understanding message from a buddhist nun who is already for years in Thailand. Maybe you can answer her question with generosity.
met metta,
Vital Moors
This time I am very concerned about the problems of Wat Phra Baht Nam Puk the AIDS Temple in Lopburi, Thailand. http://www.aidstemple.th.org/
This place is helping about 10.000 AIDS sufferers, with them around 1000 children which are HIV positive or already have AIDS. The abbot Phra Alongkot (Phra Udomphrachathon) is doing such a good work for more than 15 years now. Monthly expenses are 4.9 Million Baht. (The web-site is not up to date anymore but I have been there about 1 month ago and there were news in the newspapers just a few days ago. http://www.bangkokpost.net/270806_Perspective/27Aug2006_pers007.php )
Now news says that if the temple doesn?t get urgently support then it has to close down within the next three months.
I myself have been there several times and also brought some students to see the place and to give donations. I can only say I really appreciate what they are doing.
So please if you can urgent help is needed.
You can send donations direct to the account of Wat Phra Baht Nam Puk
(see under:
http://www.aidstemple.th.org/howtodonation.html )
If you are in Europe you can send it to a
Swiss account:
Margrith Schneider
Credit Suisse,
9471 Buchs
Accountnumber: 0141-146451-20
Or to my account in Thailand:
Brigitte Schrottenbacher
Kasikorn Thai Bank
Pak Chong Branch
Swift Code: KASITHBK
AC/NR 188-2-41658-1
In either case ? please let me know when and how much you have send for the AIDS Temple, so I can immediately transfer it to them. You will also receive a donation receive-letter from the AIDS-temple, which can be used (in many countries) to reduce your tax.
Again, please help ? it would be very sad if this place cannot go on doing its good work.
Thanks to all in advance??
yours in Dhamma which much Metta
May all beings be happy and without suffering