Zeker een Belgisch verslag? Ik ben geen leek trouwens.
Niemand kan het exacte percentage geven, maar duidelijk is dat het over de (ruime) meerderheid gaat. In elk geval niet een kwart of een derde.
Hieronder zo even een aantal dictaten van verschillende hiv specialisten:
- Approximately 70% of patients with HIV infection develop symptoms during the acute infection period
- Early symptoms of HIV infection develop in 50 to 90 percent of people who are infected, usually beginning two to four weeks after exposure to HIV
- So, to answer your question, the majority of newly infected people indeed will show symptoms, but definitely NOT all of them.
The number of those who show symptoms varies from 70-90%, so that leaves some other 10-30% of newly infected people who don't
experience symptoms at all.
- an hiv specialist said that it was around 80% or more
- Most people with new HIV infection get symptoms.